kg to MeV Conversion

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For kg to MeV conversion, use $E=mc^{2}$ to convert 1 kg to Joules and then use the fact that 1 MeV is the energy required to move a charge $e$ across a potential difference of $10^{6}$ volts. Thus 1 MeV is $1.6 \times 10^{-19} \times 10^{6}$ Joules. Therefore

E({\rm MeV}) = \frac{m ({\rm kg}) \ c^{2}}{10^{6} \ e}
E({\rm MeV}) = 5.6175 \times 10^{29} \ m ({\rm kg})

A useful thing to remember is that the proton mass is equivalent to 939.595 MeV (i.e., about 940 MeV).