Latest Concordance Model Cosmology Parameters

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Latest Hubble Constant Value

Riess et al. (2011: ApJ, 730, 119) give a measurement of the latest value of the hubble constant of
H_{0} = 73.8 \pm 2.4 {\rm km \ s}^{-1} \ {\rm Mpc}^{-1}
You may also be interested in a paper by Suyu et al. (2012) that discusses the motivation and prospects of measuring $H_{0}$ to a 1% precision. But note that the value of $H_{0}$ obtained from a different method (see below) gives a different value to that given by Riess et al. (2011).

Latest Concordance Model Cosmology Parameters

The latest concordance cosmology parameters that are in common use are those reported by Hinshaw et al. (2009: ApJ, 180, 225), which include the latest value of the dark energy parameter, lambda, ($\Omega_{\Lambda}$), and the dark matter density parameter, $\Omega_{c}$. The results are from 5-year WMAP data analysis and a few of the key parameters from the paper are given below. (Note that Hinshaw et al. give two sets of parameters, and the values below are those from WMAP plus additional analysis, as opposed to from WMAP only).
{\rm Age \ of \ Universe} = 13.72 \pm 0.12 \ {\rm Gyr} \\
H_{0} = 70.5 \pm 1.3 \ {\rm km \ }^{-1} \ {\rm Mpc}^{-1} \\
{\rm Baryon \ density}, \Omega_{b} = 0.0456 \pm 0.0015 \\
{\rm Dark \ energy \ density}, \Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.726 \pm 0.015 \\
{\rm Dark \ matter \ density}, \Omega_{c} = 0.228 \pm 0.013 \\

Note that the Hubble constant is different to that obtained by Riess et al. (2011).